Hooray! It’s that time of year again! According to the PAX countdown, we have 1 day 18 hours and 32 mins until PAX begins. My insides are about to explode all over the place, I’m that excited. The energy surrounding downtown Seattle and the Washington State Convention center during the con is made of magic.

PAX is a major highlight of my summer and seeing as I’m all nostalgic, I want to share some of my favorite snapshots from PAX PRIME 2011:

I can’t wait to spend all weekend surrounded by my favorite things. My goal is to make this year’s PAX the best one yet. Experience, connect, laugh, share. It’s gonna happen.

My friend Collin wrote a great PAX Prime 2012 Guide that you must check out. I reiterate the prevention of Nerd Flu and searching for food places outside of the convention center. The linked guide suggests really great places to grab a bite to eat.

I plan to absorb the show floor as much as possible. I’ll go to all the Penny Arcade panels (Make-a-Strip, Q&A, etc.) and spend lots of time in the Bioware Base. I’ll for sure be at the Hawken party on Friday night and Zombie Studios party Saturday night. What’s your plan?? See you there.

Game on.


An Update/Video Game Character Inspired Fashion

Hey, Internet! I’ve recently started my senior year of college; so close to the end…yet so far. I’ve decided to keep going straight through summer quarter to speed up the process. I’ve mentioned before that I returned to college to finish my final two years after several years off. I want to get back to my regular lifestyle. Not to say I haven’t been enjoying my break from various “adult” things. I do have crazy-person outbursts sometimes from the workload. I’m just anxious to focus on my future career.

No matter, on to the fun stuff. I still do find things in my free time that I must share ASAP. Thanks to the fantastic Felicia Day and her perfect version of vlogging, The Flog on Geek and Sundry introduced me to an amazing Tumblr called Console to Closet. Simply, it is a collection of video game character inspired fashion, both for the ladies and the dudes. I’m kind of obsessed with it. My first favorite I came across is inspired by Subject Zero aka Jack from Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3.

It. Is. Perfect. Above image will take you to Console to Closet, which also provides an reference image of Jack from Mass Effect.

I’m also really loving the looks inspired by Leliana from Dragon Age, Garrus from Mass Effect and Night Elf from my current gaming obsession, World of Warcraft. I love how Amanda, creator of the blog, hasn’t made any of the looks too costume-y. Before that sounds like I hate costuming, I don’t at all! I actually have a secret desire to get in to some serious cosplay. I just appreciate the alternative approach to emulating a favorite game character.

Be sure to check out Console to Closet! It is already inspiring my fashion choices and is lots of fun to browse.

Turns out college is tough

I survived Winter quarter and I have art projects to show for it! Let’s just say this past quarter was quite the challenge. If it doesn’t hurt, it’s not working. Or something.

I took an advanced art studio course titled Image and Imagination. My instructor Ted Heibert, a talented, established artist himself, assigned projects and readings [for an idea: Baudrillard and Viirilio] that chewed up my brain, spit it out and then told me to MAKE ART. I’ve never simultaneously detested and appreciated an assignment before. New feelings.

I’ve been following Meagan-Marie’s Game Industry Advice by tailoring each school project around gaming in some way. My concept was to challenge, question and observe the blur between reality and game worlds using World of Warcraft as my interface. Below is what I managed to produce after hours of learning how to tinker with Photoshop:

I really like how some of them turned out; others I have a hard time looking at. I realize they aren’t technically perfect either [exposure, alignment]. Overall, I believe the project was a success.

Does anyone else ever experience a game world bleeding in to the real world? Do you ever catch yourself seeing a part of a game in reality? This happened to me a lot while playing Fallout 3; every piece of junk I saw IRL started to seem usable, each with their own value and stats popping in to my brain.

Stay in school kids.


TRAILER: Mass Effect 3

This is no secret; I am an avid Mass Effect fan [a video games series developed by Bioware] More specifically, I’m a die hard FemShep [female version of protagonist Commander Shepard] player, fan, supporter, believer. It’s safe to say I do not stand alone. FemShep has an enormous fan base.

There has been no marketing geared towards FemShep–until now. Bioware has caught on to the popularity of FemShep and the fan demand to recognize her as the protagonist. In response, Bioware has included FemShep as a major part of the marketing campaign leading up to the release of the series third installment on March 6, 2012.

I’m not some BroShep/MaleShep/ManShep hater. I definitively get that he is some people’s Commander and he is badass in his own way. However, he isn’t everyone’s Shepard and I am so thankful Bioware isn’t acting like he is any longer.

While watching the trailer, I did in fact shed tears. It’s hard to explain if you aren’t invested. But I’m finally seeing a trailer for the series I’ve spent hours playing over the last five years.

As far as marketing and promotion, Bioware is genius to embrace their female protagonist.  It says a lot about how much they listen to and respect their fans. It would have been great if she had shared the spotlight all along, but I’m happy she’s getting her time now.

I am so happy to share the first official trailer featuring my version of Commander Shepard:

Consider yourself reinstated.


TRAILER: Game of Thrones and Hunger Games Transmedia

Please excuse my lame absence; things like mid terms, finals and research papers are consuming all my time. But I’m too excited to not share the following:

Game of Thrones Season 2: “Shadow Tease”:

I didn’t think Joffrey could infuriate me any more than last season…but he has succeeded.

Hunger Games Teaser Trailer 2:

The trailer is too short and doesn’t really show anything we haven’t seen already, but I still had chills the entire time. I predict people freaking out over the acquirement of the Mockingjay pin…but I get the change. I can’t say I’m thrilled, but I get it. No matter, I CANNOT wait for this film. UPDATE: via The Mary Sue, I’ve learned The Hunger Games will have a limited IMAX run. There is lots of other HG news, go look now!

If you’re in the mood to get lost in Hunger Games fandom, check out The Capitol Citizen Registration Site. I was placed in District 7: Lumber. Check out my DIP:

Lionsgate has also recently launched Capitol Couture, heavily featuring Effie Trinket looking downright fabulous. These interactive viral marketing campaigns are amazingly executed and strengthen fan loyalty. They are respectful to the IP, which is very important in coming across legit.

She looks so magical! I want her to be my bad ass fairy godmother.


The Goods: Art, Videos, Comics–Oh My!

Friday is my I’m-not-gonna-do-anything-but-be-on-the-internets day. Or this [EDIT: Um, I just realized THIS version of ‘Lazy Song’ existed. FTW] Result: I find things. Sharing is caring!

image via

It’s Anders! And Sir Pounce A Lot! Even though I crush a lot on DA:O Alistair, Anders has the bad boy thing going on.  This amazing Dragon Age action figure was made by myjusticecake. Check out the link for more images [via myjusticecake]

Like Star Wars? Minecraft? This is their baby [via Kotaku]

Skyrim. As a cartoon. I want this to be REAL [via HarryPartridge YouTube Channel]

image via

I may have had a geek spasm when I read this. Free Archaia Mouse Guard/Labyrinth hardcover for Free Comic Book Day 2012?!?! Arcane Comics better watch out, I’ll be there bright and early for this one. Check out the press release on Archaia for all the details [via geekwithcurves]

Skyrim FTW!

So guess what? I’m still playing Skyrim. A lot. Shocker. I don’t think I’ve advanced the main story at all since my last Skyrim post, though. I’ve been doing other important things! Like…scouring the world for Nirnroot so some chick in Riften will get off my case about her experiments…and making Apple-Cabbage Soup for my journeys….yeah.

My boyfriend and I are playing simultaneously and he is just as trapped in the word as I am. We are gearing up to do some geeky shit like write some Skyrim fanfiction! If that doesn’t expose who I really am..

Just me and Lids, trekkin' through the forest.

I still have Lydia! I’ve worked really hard at keeping her alive. Girlfriend gets in the way sometimes though! This guys Lydia wasn’t so lucky…makes me sad. I feel his pain.


The scene at Dawnstar.

The last two times I’ve arrived at Dawnstar, dragons have appeared. I just slay, and everyone stands around like “ZOMG, a dragon”

You're so dead right now.

Docks at Dawnstar.

I love Dawnstar for some reason. It’s remote, no one really goes there, and I’m a hero cause of all the dragons I’ve destroyed here. I’ve mentioned this before, but I love snowy, arctic settings. Does something for me, I tell ya. I finally got in good with the Jarl here, so I basically own this shit now.

Night Sky.

Sigh. This game, right?? It’s a bit out of control with how expansive it is. And I love that. I do have issues with it at times. Like how I can’t seem to keep a horse alive. That’s the games fault, dammit! The horse mechanics are lame. Oh and the hair for everybody is so bad. It kind of looks like something peed on your head and it dried and that’s it. Once I finish the game (ha) I will attempt a fair review, including the good and bad. Until then…SKYRIM.

Look What I Found!

Found two kick ass things on The Mary Sue today:

Morrowind/Skyrim Theme Piano/Violin Medley

Life goal of mine is to learn how to play the piano. This video gives me chills, it’s so amazing. And my life has been taken over by Skyrim [check out my first impressions of the game, I will do more impressions. The game is the tits.]

Hunger Games Picture!









Aren’t they, like, perfect?  [characters L to R: Cinna, Haymitch, Peeta]. I have to say, Lenny Kravitz is kinda perfect for Cinna. For me, at least. Can’t help but get all fan-ish over this film, I am way excited. Just started ‘Mockingjay’ after careening through ‘Hunger Games’ and ‘Catching Fire’. I love obsessive reading.

If Thanksgiving is your thing, hope you had a good one!

Twilight *gasp*

Yep, I’m going to write about Twilight. I almost decided to skirt the idea of commenting on the Twilight Hate Phenomenon, as more talented ladies have already spoken on the topic more eloquently than I probably will [nerds in babelandThe Nerdy BirdThe Carnival of Random] However, I like the Twilight books and movies, they hold a special place in my geek stash, so I figured why not?

I used to be able to openly admit to liking the Twilight series, but over the last few years something has changed. I feel awkward admitting I do in fact like Twilight. I feel I will be laughed at. I’m surrounded by this notion that it’s cooler to hate on Twilight than be a fan of it now. And if you are a fan, look out! You’re about to get it good from the haters. Google “twilight hate”. There is lots of energy spent on publicly hating the series. For the record, I’m fully aware of the concerns some people have with the series’ influence on young girls in regards to sexual exploration, relationships with men, and religious implications. Those are all valid concerns which I respect. I’d love to delve in to the world of media influence on society and how blame is being displaced. But, I’m writing more to explain why I enjoy the Twilight series.

Admit it or don’t, but Stephenie Meyer lit a fire in the world of reading. It definitely resparked my ability to get lost in a fictional world. Meyer wrote her story in a way that people can remember what it feels like to fall in love for the first time. Being able to relate back to a time in my life I thought was gone forever had me hooked. And yeah, there are vampires in it. Angsty “teenage” vampires, who sparkle and don’t have fangs. Put it all together, and you have a fun fantasy world to immerse yourself in. Simple as that. The writing is not deep or complex by any means. The simplicity of it comes across amateur-ish at times, but I’m okay with that.

What fuels the immature bullying and name calling? Is it jealousy? That a story about a teenage girl and her vampire soul mate has made so much money and seen success that most of us will never comprehend? No matter the reason, the hate is just hurtful and does more harm than good. I say: get over it. Please.  Everyone loves what they do for their own personal reasons. I don’t think it’s right to ridicule others for those reasons. One love, people.